
Maple Class

Living and learning



Thursday 21st May

Good morning folks  – I hope you are enjoying this lovely weather – we have been so lucky.   It is nearly the weekend and only have one more get up till half term.

So let’s get today’s learning going:



There could be more than one way…..



Opinion/debate column:  In newspapers they have a section where you give your thoughts about an issue.   You are going to write an opinion/debate column for your newspaper.  You have to write the positive and negatives about wearing school uniforms.  It has to written as though you are having a discussion.  It is not a list


Other things you could do:

PSHE:  Do you get enough playtime??  Watch this short film and write comments based on the questions that have been suggested.  It doesn’t have to be 200 words but it could be!

Complete another couple of sections from the spelling book.  You could also sign up to this


username is: student23648

P/W: harling

Click on the middle section which says: discovery education  –  coding.

Click on the button and complete the next set of lessons.

Tuesday 19th May

Good morning – hope you had a good day. The weather is looking amazing over the next couple of days so make sure you remember the suncream! I also hope you managed to get back into the swing of things yesterday, wand were able to get some works completed.

So let’s get today’s learning underway:

You may not get the first answer time so you will need to explore.

English: We are looking at newspapers this week so we need to build on this. Using the pictures that you had yesterday. Create the opening paragraph for each of the pictures – remember it needs to be punchy and to the point. It also needs to contain most of the 5ws but not all. It’s all about trying to capture the main events that too place.

Link for the 5Ws

Other things you could do:

Art: Can you draw simple objects, & use marks & lines to produce texture? Do you successfully use shading to create mood & feeling? Can you combine different pressures and shading techniques ?

As the weather is nice it makes sense to do some outdoor learning. Have a look on the school website to find a task you would like to do.

Have a great day!

Mr C 🦸‍♂️

Wednesday 20th May

Good morning folks – hope you all had a lovely day yesterday and did not spend too much time in the sun! It’s not long now till half term but we still have lots of learning we can still complete. Remember to be the best that you can be!

So let’s get today’s learning underway:

This is an interesting investigation…..
A palindrome number is same same forwards and backwards.


You are going to write a front page spread for a newspaper – it could be about anything you want – you could use one of the pictures that I gave you.  Think about the headline and the opening paragraph and the whole article.  Remember you need to include an eyewitness and written in a formal style.  
You might want to look at newspaper to remind you of what to include.  

Other things you could do:

What did a posh/rich Victorian home look like? Home does it compare to what it is like today? Create a fact sheet explaining what it was like. Use the links below to help you.

Complete Jump Start Johnny or Joe Wicks. Perhaps you could do your own PE in the garden. You might want to do PE first thing so that you don’t get too hot later on in the day.

Have a good day!

Mr C 🐓


Monday 18th

Good morning and I hope you had a great weekend – the weather was amazing and it was great to be able to get out. We went down to the coast and had a very long walk – the children were excited to get out in the car!!  So this is the last week before half term and then we all get a well earned break.  Remember you can do other things like: Hamilton trust, Classroom secrets or White Rose home learning maths.  Everything you do, has to work around your parents….

Click  here Home learning week 5 -Maple for the weeks plans,  but they are also on the school website.

So let’s get today’s learning underway:



Your challenge is to find how times the digit 9 is used between 12 noon and midnight on the 24 hour digital clock.   How about how many nine appear in 24 hours.   You need to be logical and plan it out.  Think carefully……



Over the next week we are going to look at newspapers and create your own mini newspaper by the end of it.  I thought this could be quite a fun thing to do!

You are going to create some newspaper headlines.   You will need to get five/six different pictures from a magazine or use the ones below.  The pictures below are just ideas – you could use your own.  Think about four/five different headlines you could have for each picture.  Try and be as inventive as you can….!  Could you use any puns or word play?  .



Other things you could do:

Science- I suggested you planted some seeds. If you haven’t that is not a problem – If you did,  what has happened to them? 

Today we going to think about what plants need to survive.  MRS NERG play a huge part in it.  Look at this link and it will fill in the details about what her name means
Create a poster on what you have found out.  Make it colourful if you can.

Continue with the French app if you have decided to go on this

Have a great day,

Mr C

Thursday 14th May

Good morning folks – I hope you are all fit and well!  Hope you are all having a good week and trying to get some kind of learning completed  – whether it’s what I have suggested or other work which of interest to you – keep going…..!  We are all learning new things as we are on this journey together!

So let’s get today’s leaning under way:


Try again with some other numbers……

The main task today multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000. Remember you are either making it bigger or smaller.



Tell the story from the dragons point of view- it doesn’t need to be the whole story but it needs to be enough to draw the reader in. Think about the effective vocabulary needed to engage the reader…..Ensure you highlight the reason why the main character was crying?

Other tasks you could do:


PSHE:  Should we wear school uniform?  Watch this short film and write comments based on the questions that have been suggested. Could you design your own school uniform?   It doesn’t have to be 200 words but it could be!


Complete another couple of sections from the spelling book. You could also sign up to this

Spend some reading a book and think about doing a character profile – identify different aspects of the character. You could read between the lines and explain why. You could draw picture of what you think they look like and then add the writing to it.

Have a good day

Mr C. 👨‍🔬

Friday 15th May

Hi folks  – it’s nearly the weekend and time for break.  I’m sure you all need to take it easy and not have to think about school work.  At least you are now able to get out a bit more, but remember to take care if go somewhere!


You need to be logical as you go about solving this. You could label the parts of the triangle.

Write 8 x 1 + 1 = and work it out. Remember you do the multiplication first and then the addition.

2. Write 8 x 12 + 2 = and work it out.

3. Write 8 x 123 + 3 = and work it out. You will need to use short multiplication to solve these ones

4. Write 8 x 1234 + 4 = and work it out.

Keep going like this up to say 9. Can you predict the answers? What do you notice. Can you see why it works?

Next try this:

1. Try 8 x 2 – 6 =.

2. Now 8 x 23 – 4 =.

3. Then 8 x 234 – 2 =.

4. Then 8 x 2345 – 0 =.

5. Then 8 x 23456 + 2 =

6. Keep going. Can you predict the answers? Why?



English:  I suggested on the grid about writing a newspaper report but we are going to write newspapers next week.  So I am changing what I have suggested for today and we are going to do a pobble write.  You now how this works  – you only need to write two or three paragraphs but they need to be high quality.   Here is the start…. The engine screamed as the wheels spun round. His heart pounded. Tim knew that he only had seconds to act……   

You might want to think about:

How do you think Tim is feeling?

What has caused the jeep to stop moving?

Why is he all alone and being chased by a dinosaur?

Are there other dinosaurs or people close by?

How will Tim manage to escape?

If you could bring back the dinosaurs, would you?

Might it be possible to bring them back one day?

resource image

Other things you can do:


French: You could sign up to this but you would need to check with an adult. It’s a great app and is free. I have installed it at home!

Look on the school website and completes some of the outdoor learning tasks.

Remember to keep the reading going……..

Have a fab weekend whatever you do!

Mr C 🧑‍🚒

Wednesday 13th May

Good morning folks – hope you had a good day – it was certainly colder yesterday. I’m pleased the sun has been shining as it makes such a difference to how we all feel. I always keep reiterating that the work you complete – how ever much and whatever you do, needs to work around family life. It’s all about being flexible….

So let’s get today’s learning underway:

Using some pace value cards make up another five more amounts and write them out – ensure the amounts are challenging enough for you to write them out.

Yesterday we looked at adding amounts so let’s continue with this.

Adding money…….

Adding money…….

  1. Make an amount of money less than £100 using four odd digits: 3, 5, 7 or 9, e.g. £57.93 (You may not use ‘1’).
  2. Make an amount of money less than £100 using four even digits: 2, 4, 6, 8, e.g. £26.84
  3. Add your two amounts of money, e.g. £57.93 + £26.84 = £84.77
  4. Look at the total. Are there an odd number of pence?
  5. Look at the pounds. Are there an odd number of pounds?
  6. Create two more amounts using the same sets of digits (one from just odd digits, one from just even digits).
  7. Add the two new amounts.
  8. Look at the pence – are there an odd number?
  9. Look at the pounds – are there an odd number?
  10. Continue like this and look for patterns and explain what you noticed!


Predict what you think is going to happen next and justify why this may be the case. Use the film to support your points. Could another character be added? Who? What might happen next?
Ensure you justify your answers because you are reading between the lines.

Other things you could do:

Art: sketching work – take your pencil for a walk….. Pick an interesting item you have at home. Try and think about the shading of the object and where the light is falling.

Complete some kind of PE – it could going for a walk or completing Joe Wicks.

Have a good day!

Mr C 👩‍🚀

Tuesday 12th May

Hope you had a good start to the week and were able to get back into the swing of things. It’s always tricky to get back into it after a weekend but it’s important to have some structure. Remember to be kind and understanding to everyone.

So let’s get today’ learning underway:

Good luck in solving this!

We are going to build on on your fluency skills today by adding different amounts to get a given total.

Use all of the digits 0 to 9 once only to create a pair of five-digit numbers. Use column addition to find the total,

e.g. 7 3 4 5 8 +1 2 0 9 6 = 8 5 5 5 4

Your challenge is to create a pair of five-digit numbers
with a total as close to 80,000 as you can!
Can you get an answer within 100 of 80,000?
Come up with your own target total of a multiple of 10,000.

English: We are continuing with the short film Eye of the Storm.

Use some of these words to describe the eye of the storm. You will need to look up some of these words and use them in your description – Darken, hostile, intense, tempestuous, vivid, leaden, bleak, perilous, dark turbulent, ominous, violent, roaring, tumultuous, fragile, unwelcoming, threatening, dancing, forbidding, sombre tumbling incessant, thrumming shrieking desperate, weak, malevolent. You could draw the picture you have described.

Build and create your maths games – ensure you are clear on what the focus is. Remember to make it colourful. If you are stuck for resources; you could use the back of cereal packet. If you have already done this you could create a a top trumps card game.


Click on the middle section which says:

discovery education – coding.
Click on the button and complete the next set of lessons espresso/login/Authn/UserPassword
username is:
Student: 23648
P/W: harling

Ensure you are reading a book – if you can’t find any at home, the website audible has lots of choice.

Have a good day!

Monday 11th May

Good morning everyone – hope you enjoyed the long weekend and were able to do some nice things during this time.  So as we start a new week, I just want to point out that the things I place on the grids and blog are only suggestions and you need to do what is right for you and your family set up.  Remember there are other resources you could look at if you don’t want to follow my suggestions.  These sites are worth looking:  Hamilton trust,  Classroom secrets and White Rose home learning (a maths resource).

So let’s get today’s learning underway:



Happy investigating….!


So my start number is 6

6 — 3 — 10 — 5 — 16……and so on…

So my start number was 6 –

The rules to follow are:

1) If a number is Even, divide it by 2

2) If a number is Odd, multiply by 3 and add 1.

Continue the chain above. What happens? You don’t have to keep going – can see any patterns. Choose some other numbers number and see what happens? What about if you changed the rules…. alter rule 2. If a number is odd, multiply by 3 and subtract 1



Create a log/diary entry. It could be at any point. For example: entry as he manoeuvres towards the eye. Focus on his/her thoughts and feelings. Look at the positioning of adverbials/prepositions of time within the sentences.   Link for the film is here so you can refresh yourself.  Link for film.

Other tasks you could do:


Freezing different kinds liquids and the results observed and discussed. Pre-boiled, salt water, lemonade, coloured water etc. Make predictions about what may happen when different liquids are frozen then comparing this to the results and giving explanations.
Link to video.

You could do some of these science experiments from the science museum. science home learning ideas 1     Science home Learning-Activities-Pinball-Power  Please don’t print them out but they are ideas of things you could do.  Post them on Edmodo once completed.

Start to write a diary of some of the things you have been doing. Think about what the logs were like in Kensuke’s Kingdom. Ensure you build up the details.

Also ensure you have read the books which I sent home  – Suitcase Kid or Bad dreams.

Have a good day,

Mr C

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