
Maple Class

Living and learning



Bank holiday ideas!

Here are some ideas you could do today – have a great time whatever you do!

Maths investigation:

Reach 100  c

Age 7 to 14    Nrich
Here is a grid of four “boxes”:
Square divided into four.

You must choose four different digits from 19 and put one in each box. For example:

Square divide into four, with 5,2,1 & 9 in the sections.

This gives four two-digit numbers:

52 (reading along the 1st row)
19 (reading along the 2nd row)
51 (reading down the left hand column)
29 (reading down the right hand column)

In this case their sum is 151.
Try a few examples of your own.
Is there a quick way to tell if the total is going to be even or odd?

Your challenge is to find four different digits that give four two-digit numbers which add to a total of 100.

How many ways can you find of doing it?


Pobble write task:

resource image

Write a story with the start being – thank you…..

A great task for a bank holiday………watch a film!

Create an advert for the film you are going to watch

Create a cinema ticket to watch the film

Become a film critic by writing a film review about it and post it online – Edmodo

VE ideas:

Click on the links for ideas and tasks

Fantastic VE day ideas

VE Day Wordsearch



Thursday 7th May

Good morning  – hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the sunny weather we had yesterday.  Today is the last day of set work and I will post some other ideas you could do tomorrow  – it is a bank holiday and we all need a break from the hard work you are doing.

So let’s get today’s leaning under way:



Today we are going to continue with subtraction but we are going to count on from a given amount. You would need to use a number line and count on. Think about the order of the calculation.


Draw a picture of the dragon and label what you think this creature might be like. Use the clip to justify your thinking around the outside of the picture – use the film to justify your reasons.

Other tasks:

Reading challenge: Think about someone in your book who is not the main character. Rewrite a scene from your book from this character’s point of view. Do they feel differently about the situation? Do they know something that the main character does not know? Would the main character be surprised about how they feel?

PSHE: Watch this short film and write comments based on the questions that have been suggested. It doesn’t have to be 200 words but it could be! Click here to open link

Music: identify your top ten favourite pieces of music and identify what you like in them. Compare your choice with an adult – are they the same?

Wednesday 6th May

Good morning – hope you had another good day yesterday and that you worked hard on whatever you were doing. Remember to try and work as hard as you do in class – I do understand that it’s tricky for everyone. I have tried to set work that will allow you to show some of your amazing skills.

So let’s get today’s learning underway:

It’s only a warm task so you don’t have to spend too long on this!

We are going to focus on subtraction today and some of the calculations will involve adjusting the calculation. We have looked at this in class. A link to show you what to do if you have forgotten – Link to decomposition method.

You could use a calculator to check your answers!


Using the short film – Eye of the storm (Link for film). Today you going to describe the setting. Here is an idea….. The air down here was awful: it had that musty smell which hit the back of your throat and made you cough, and beyond that a strange chemical taste, which almost burned if you breathed too deeply. It was vile.
The ship was a sizeable craft. A large balloon on top helped to keep it aloft, while enormous propellers and wings drove it forwards.
Ensure you build up your noun phrases and think about what you see – you want to capture the readers attention. It would be a couple of high quality paragraphs!!

Other things for today could be:

Complete one of the outdoor learning tasks which are on the school website.

Science – The Chemistry of Cooking: mixing, heating and burning Let’s hope it doesn’t get too hot in the kitchen as you investigate and explore the gourmet side to chemistry. Bake some bread or cakes, and explore the weird and wonderful world of eggs! Cook eggs in different ways noting the changes that occur
Plan and carry out investigations into the impact of certain ingredients on an end product. You can use a recipe of your choice. You are looking at the changes that take place to the ingredients that have been used. Predict and then make observations about what happens!

Hope you have a good day!

Mr C 👨‍🏫

Tuesday 5th May

Good morning – Hope you found all the links helpful yesterday and were able to enjoy using a short film as part of your learning. I just wanted to do something different and hopefully enable you to approach this in a different way. Remember you can post things on Edmodo.

Let’s get today’s learning underway:

Something to get you thinking!

Times table investigation- Using the squared paper that I gave you create a multiplication grid of your own – 12 by 12. Colour it in and ensure it is clear. Investigate the numbers in the multiplication square. What patterns can you see? What do you notice with the 7, 9 and 12 times tables. Stick the square grid into your book and then write down patterns you can see. What did you notice with your 7s and 9s and 12s.

English: Using the video clip from yesterday – here is the link again – Eye of the Storm.

Create a character description weaving the action and appearance to create a fuller description. Look at ordering of clauses for better effect. An example could be: From inside the craft, a creature stepped onto the deck and flexed a pair of wings in the sunlight, then settled back down to sitting. As its master walked towards it, the dragon looked up momentarily and met his hand with a satisfied nuzzle. Razor-sharp barbs edged its translucent wings ……

Other things you could do:


Find out about the industrial revolution that took place in Victorian times. Create a poster to explain the different things that took place.

French: You could sign up to this but you would need to check with an adult – Click link for the app

Have a good day

Mr C 👨‍🌾

Monday 4th May

Good morning  – I hope you all had a good weekend and were able to enjoy some downtime.  It is always tricky when starting a new week  – so try and get yourself  back into the routine again quickly.   Learning grid is attached Home learning week 3 –

As always, you can pick and choose the tasks that I have suggested and allow you to work around how things are working at home.  I will make daily suggestions about how to tackle the work.  Again, there are other companies that are producing resources – click on the link and it will direct it to the respective companies:  Hamilton Trust and Classroom secrets.

I have also realised that I have planned for a 5 day week but we have a bank holiday on Friday – so I will carry over some of the activities over to next week.

So let’s get today’s learning underway:

Happy Numbers:

23 is happy because:

Using 23 as an example:  22 = 4     32 = 9   then add the answers  4 + 9 = 13   So 23 is now replaced by 13. The process is now repeated: 12 = 1    32 = 9   1 + 9 = 10.    So 13 is replaced by 10. The process is now repeated: 12 = 1   02 = 0     1 + 0 = 1    The process ends at this point since 12 = 1. From this we conclude that 23 (and 13 and 10) are happy numbers.  How many happy number can you find upto 50?

Note 2² means 2×2=4  3² means 3×3=9  4²means 4×4=16


Over the next couple of weeks we are going to base the work on the short film called:       EYE OF THE STORM   

The video of  “Eye of the Storm”  (click on link) tells the story of an anonymous airship pilot, whom we see in a very dark, simplified form  deciding in his melancholy to steer his airship into a massive (and possible ether-driven) storm. Throughout the video we see him preparing his craft, setting it on “autopilot”, and saying goodbye to his one companion- a dragon.

Using the film, try and answer these question prompts –  Who? What? Where? When? Why?   Who is the man the ‘dragon master?’  Why does the dragon have to be kept locked up? Where is the ship going?  What will happen as the ship goes into the storm at the end?  You will need to come up with your own questions.  Don’t forget to write the answers as well. 

If you don’t want to use the video and work I have suggested – use some Pobble writes on the main plan if you feel this would be easier.  Pick one for each day – you know how these work.

Other tasks for today:


Now you have looked at different games, you can now see the pros and cons.   We are now going to plan your maths game.  Think about how you can make the games as interactive as possible but not too complicated.  These are only going to be rough ideas this week.

Reading:  Pick a character from one of the books you are reading and write a diary extract from the characters point of view.  Esure you include their thoughts and feelings.

Have a good day!

Mr C 🤠








Friday 1st May

Good morning – it was good to have the sun out again yesterday! I hope you are all ok and managing to get somethings completed. Remember to add any work on to Edmodo.

So let’s get todays work underway:

A little something to get you thinking…..

Today I am suggesting an open ended task but you need to be logical in how you go about this. Make sure you develop a plan because you will have lots of numbers

English: You need to finish your story today – ensure that you have reread it and use some of the features we have looked at in class. So you should have a range of openers that captures the readers attention. Also think about the vocabulary – it needs to pull the reader in.

Reading task:

Using the art task I suggested you could now add some pictures that could be used in the story. Ensure they capture your imagination.

Identifying Story Structures:
This needs to be based on a couple of books
Make brief notes in each section to identify the different stages in the plot of different stories.

Setting: Problem: Conflict: Complication: Crisis: Resolution:

You could do some PE today – Joe Wicks or Jump Start Johnny. Another option could be going for a long walk, cycle or use your imagination!

Hope you have a lovely weekend and try to help out as much as you can!

Mr C. 💂‍♂️

Thursday 30th April

Good morning folks – hope you are all keeping well and trying your hardest to get along with everyone in your household. Thank you to those that are contributing on Edmodo – it’s great to see what you’re getting up to.

So let’s get going on todays suggested work:

We are going to continue to work on decimals with this investigation

You are going to have to explore to try and get the answer. You could change the start amount and see if you get as near as possible with only so many bricks. You draw it out on the squared paper – but take care with how you draw it out.

English: You should now be up to the middle part of your story. Think about how it reads and ask yourself if have you built up suspense to capture the readers attention. You want them to be on the end of their seats.

Other tasks: Art – you need to think of some pictures to go with the story. They could be completed on a separate sheet and then stuck down into the book you have created.

Outdoor learning – complete one of the many tasks from the outdoor learning section on the main home of the school website. If you want another task for today – complete another section of your spelling books.

Wednesday 29th April

Good morning folks – hope you are all ok and managing to get some work completed. The suggestions I make on the blog are only suggestions and you can do other things if you feel it is more appropriate. There are a couple of companies that you could look at if you want more ideas/work. They are Hamilton Trust and Classroom secrets. You don’t have to print of the worksheets but they are extra tasks that you could use. I am using some of the tasks in the work that I am setting so you might see them pop up.

So let’s todays learning underway:


Good luck in doing this – remember to explore.

We are going to continue to work with decimals. Today we are going to add decimals. We are going to complete the task – Long jump results. I have pasted it below or use the grid from the website.

Taken from the home learning grid.

English: Creating a suspense/ghost story…..

I suggest that you write a suspense/ghost story – you should of planned your ideas yesterday and should now be ready to start your story. You don’t want to have lots of characters and ensure you Hook the reader in. Ensure you think about your sentence starts. Here are some ideas that could be used (see below). Remember we would like to turn this into a story book with pictures in it. So you are going to become your very own authors!

Other work:

Find out about Lord Shaftesbury and Dr Barnado. Create a fact file about each person. Identify what they did and explain the impact they had. Here are a few web links to help. Famous Victorians. Barnardos , Video clip. There are many more out there – make sure you talk to an adult before surfing the net trying to find things out.

Another task: Experimenting with musical sounds – I know it says KS1 but it is quite fun and gets you to think about how music is made. the-noise/eyfs-ks1-music-play-it-bring- the-noise/z4sq92p

Have a good day

Mr C. 👾

Tuesday 28th April

Hope you had a good day yesterday and you managed to get into the routines again. I know it will be really hard to get back into a new week. However, we need to focus on the task in hand and push on!

So let’s todays learning going:

Good luck in trying to get the answer!

Finding change task : You will need to look at the working from home grid – Find change task on the grid We are going to find the change from an amount. You can do this in two ways – either count up or use decomposition. You could try both ways and then decide which is easier and think about why it is.

English: we are going to write a story this week and add pictures to it. Today you are going to plan / outline of the story and what is going to happen. I would like it to be a suspense/ghost story that really engages the reader. Here is a picture to get you thinking and short video to give you some ideas.

Others things to do:

D/T and art

We are going to make a maths board game. This is going to take a few sessions so you don’t need to complete it in a day. Task: Look at some board games that you have at home. What makes them work well? What are the bad points? Write these down in your book. What else do you notice about the colour/ layout etc?

Ensure you are reading – write about one of the characters in the books I have suggested for you to read or from another book. Write down all things you can about them. Why are they like this? Could they be different? Try and justify your reasons and not just put one word answers.

Have a good day – Mr C 👹

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