
Maple Class

Living and learning



Monday 27th April

Good morning everyone – I hope you’ve had a good weekend and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine. As we begin a week of learning at home; ensure that you put same amount of effort in the work that you are producing at home as to what you will be doing in class. It’s great that some of you have posted pictures of the learning that has taken place – well done. It’s not compulsory that you do this work but these are suggestions of what to do – if you want to do something different – that’s fine- but ensure you talk this through with the adults in your house.

So let’s get todays learning underway:


You may have to move the numbers around!

1089: Write down a 3 digit number say 742 reverse the digits 247 subtract them = 495. Reverse the numbers 594 and then add them together. This equals 1089
Do you always get 1089? Can you prove that you will always get 1089?
Is it the same with 2 digits and 4 digits? What about even larger numbers – is there a pattern? If you have forgotten how to subtract – here is a good video to explain – click on this link. Khan academy

English: I thought it would be good to write a story over the whole week but before we start that I feel we need to remind ourselves about what we need to write in a sentence and how we can make it lively and interesting.

So we are going to focus on Expanded noun phrases.
Come up with ten sentences of your own ensure you extend your sentences. If feel this is too easy why not write a coup,e of paragraphs and ensure you use some expanded noun phrases. It could be about the countryside or the weather.
Here is short clip to explain what they are – Expanded noun phrase link


Salt Crystals
You need to add salt to cooled down boiled water and add until it is saturated. Then pour the solution into a jar and half fill it. On the top of the jar place a pencil and tie piece of string to it and dangle it in to the water. You could add a paper clip to the string. Now leave for a week or more. You could add food dye to it! Keep notes about what you can see.

Make a list of all the new things you have been doing at home. What has been the easiest/hardest and why? Think about all the things that you have – what have you enjoyed using the most and why. Write your thoughts down in your book. You could write a diary over a couple of days so you can look back at this time.

Have a good day!

Mr C 🤖

Friday 24th April

Good morning everyone – I hope you are all well. I bet you are all pleased that it’s Friday; you can at least have a break from the learning you have been doing over this week. I am sure you have been amazing at home and trying your hardest to all get along!

So let’s get todays learning :


You will need to explore on this one. Is there more than one way?

Biggest numbers:
You need need create some number cards 0 – 9. Use some scrap paper to make these. Once you have created the five different numbers (they need to be 5 or 6 digit numbers) place them in an order an using the symbol > = < . Make sure you mix the numbers up – this means it’s not biggest to smallest.
Do this at least four times – ensure you challenge yourself and don’t go for easy option!

English and art

You are now working for Thetford Forest and they have asked you to create a leaflet to persuade someone to come and visit. You could create a leaflet for somewhere else – it could be any place you like. It must persuade someone to visit. As this is a leaflet it also needs to look nice and colourful and you will need to add other things like pictures and top-tip box etc.

Another task : have a look on the school website under the area of outdoor learning. Have a look at the different days and pick a task that you fancy.

Have a great weekend!

Mr C

Thursday 23rd April

Good morning everyone – hope you are well. I have been trying to home educate my children yesterday and did lots of baking as I managed to get hold of some flour. They also made some extra for their grandad because it’s his birthday tomorrow. The weather continues to be amazing and you should make the most of this by ensuring you get outside into your garden and do as much as you can.

So let’s get todays learning going:

Maths: Warm up task

You need to be logical in how you approach this!


Set yourself a five or six digit target number.
eg 123,456 and see how close you can get when multiplying a three or four digit number by a two digit number.
How many attempts did you need?
Try again if you did this quickly?

This is a great video to remind you what to do if you have forgotten the method.


I would like to you persuade the headteacher (Miss Yates) on a subject of your choice. It could be about banning homework or school uniform. You need to make a clear case with valid reasons as to why this should happen. You could even email it to her if you feel brave enough!

https://online.espresso.c hn/UserPassword username is: Student 23648
Password: harling
Click on the middle section which says: discovery education – coding.
Click on the button number 5 – year 5 starter unit and complete the first four lessons.

Reading challenge:
Choose a character from a book you have read. Draw an outline of the character and mindmap all the aspects of the character – remembering to read between the lines.

Have a lovely day and remember to apply sun cream if you are out in the garden!

Mr C

Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning to you all – hope you had a good day yesterday. The weather has been amazing and makes such a difference to how you feel. Remember to think about how others are feeling and I hope you have now set some ground rules for the next few weeks. We all have to work together to get the job done….

So let’s get todays suggested ideas going – these are only suggestions but it would be a good idea to do something to keep your brains going!

Maths warm up:

This could become the main task if you like but you need spend longer on this.

Let’s us do the maths investigation on Palindromes – a palindrome is a number that is the same forwards and backwards.

So here is an example: 216 + 612 = 828. What about larger numbers? Look at the working from home grid for more information about the task.

English: Yesterday you need to plan a letter to write so some about persuading them to look after the environment. So today you need to write the letter and ensure you persuade the person to look after the environment. It would need to be a few paragraphs – a clear introduction and then a couple of paragraphs about why you need to look after it and then round of the letter.

Another couple of tasks you could do: P.E. You could do Joe Wicks on you tube or do something else that takes your fancy exercise wise. Post what you do on Edmodo. My children have been playing lots of football and kicking the ball at Theo!!

As it’s going to be a lovely again, it would be a great opportunity to do some work on light. We looked at this earlier in the year. Plot how the shadow changes over the day. Remember to keep going back to the same spot. You could also make your own sundials. – other websites are available –

Have a fab day!

Mr C

Welcome back

Good morning  – hope you had a good break and you didn’t eat too many Easter eggs.  My children are still slowly munching away at their ones…..

I know things are still very surreal for you and we need to try and get back into some kind of routine that works for everyone. 

Attached on the school website is the learning grid for the week  – these are suggestions of the work you could do.

I have also placed a link here.  Home learning week 2

Here is  a link for the blog as well; I know it is pretty small on the school website.

Each morning on the blog are suggested activities you could do for that day.  You may have to flexible in how you carry out the work and at what time you do it.  You can share what you’ve completed on Edmodo so we can all celebrate how hard you are trying to work.

So lets get started with the work we you could complete:

This is just a warm up task to get you going – spend no longer than 20 minutes on this!

Let’s complete the arithmagon task. This involves lots of exploring and trying to make connections in your learning – with some of these there can be more than one answer!

In English we are going to pick look at persuading again and build this up over the week so that you can really hone your persuasion skills!

Today we will look at the modal verbs that are really important when trying to persuade. Look at this weblink if you have forgotten what they are :

Coming up with some sentences using them – how many different sentences can you come up with. If you want more of a challenge you could use some of them in a paragraph of writing – you could use them to get a point of view across or to allow try and get something from your parents. Post your examples on Edmodo if you like.

Other tasks for today:

We would normally do some art on Monday – draw a sketch of something in or out of the house. I would like you to think about the shading and remember to take your time.

There is Joe Wicks or Jump Start Jonny for your PE tasks for today or go for a walk with your family and take notes of what you’ve seen. Theo has been amazed at what he has seen when we’ve been out for a walk (deers, pheasants, hares, horses and wide variety of birds!).

If you were given Suitcase Kid or Bad dreams – please can you start reading them as I will set some work on this next week.

Have a fab start to week and remember we are all in this together and think of others in your family and those around you!


Easter Fun

I have created some ideas of things you could do over Easter – you do not have to do any of these but they are suggestions of what you could do.  I am going to make bird boxes with my children over the holiday!!

Click on the link below to find out some of the ideas I have come up with.

easter tasks

The Scouts have also come up with some ideas to do things inside!

I have come across this FREE audiobook website – they have a wide range you could look at.

Plus there is this by the National trust

Wednesday 1st April

Good morning, hope you had a good day yesterday! Today is going to be the last day that I am going to set work until after Easter. I will put some ideas on the blog of things you could do over the Easter break. It will be good for some of you to have a break from the routines. Ensure you are being helpful at home as it’s a tricky time for everyone. If you do go out, make sure you keep your distance from other folks exercising.

Let’s get started on possible tasks for today:

Need to get some counters and move them around – they all have to add up to the same numbers. How many different magic square can you find? Have you noticed anything?

Grammar task: Parenthesis – this is where you add extra information to a sentence – we have looked at this in class and I have pasted a link that you can click onto find out more. There are some great video you could watch on this.

Come with some sentences using them and then write a longer piece ensuring you add some to your sentences. It could about anything you want or relate it to the work we completed earlier in the year about Bling.

Another task that you could do is this:

You are a detective trying to find out about the Easter story. Your boss has asked you to write a report about what happened. Use the websites to help you find out the facts and then use the information to write the report.

Have a fab Easter. 😂 Mr C

Tuesday 31st March

Good morning, hope you had a good day yesterday and was able to get out for some fresh air. Remember you can do some outdoor learning that Mrs Kelly has set on the website but that is up to you. With all the learning that is taking place at home it needs to work around family life, so you don’t have to get everything completed.

Just to let you know you can access Oxford Owl – they have loads of resources you could use for the children. You just have to register.

So let’s get today’s leaning ideas underway:

This is only a starter so doesn’t need to take long but just to get you thinking.

Today’s task involves lots of exploring – once you have placed the numbers down write the calculation and see if it works.

You may not get the answer first time but it’s all about exploring – remember not to spend too long on this – think about how long a maths session is.

English task:

I thought it would be good to do a Pobble write – think about your use of fronted adverbials as you write – remember you are not writing a long story – it’s short piece of writing which is two/three paragraphs long. You can post some of your ideas on the blog if you are able to get to a device.

You could do a book review about a book you have read. Make it look nice so that people could be inspired by what you have written. Explain what it’s about and why it’s amazing- you could then perhaps focus on a character.

If you prefer to do some coding you could look at this site

Have a great day – Mr C

Monday 30th March

Good morning – hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoying the lovely weather and getting out in the garden. I went on a walk with the children and Theo was amazed at the amount of wildlife that he saw. Remember to keep your distance from other people.

So let’s get today’s learning on the go – these are all suggestions and you could do other things if that works for you. The tasks shouldn’t take any longer than they do in class – if it’s taking much longer then stop.

We can do the countdown task again as everybody love a challenge!

Investigation: Need to make 100 using numbers from 0 – 9. The numbers can be used more than once. Try and use as many operations as possible eg +, x etc.

Come up with three different ways.


Grammar task today using subordinating conjunctions

Have a look at this website and it will remind you what they are

Now write a couple of paragraphs using the conjunctions. I would expect to see at least four of them in your work. Use the examples from the website to see if you have used any. You could write about anything you want. It could be about the story of Billy Midas when he lost all the gold – You could do it from the Chimichanga’s point of view.

Another task:

Create a leaflet/poster to persuade someone to take up a particular sport. You need to try and persuade them.

You could do some sketching of some objects in your house or what you can see from the outside.

Have a good day!

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