
Maple Class

Living and learning



Friday 27th March

Nearly the weekend, and you can all have a well earned break so to speak. I hope you have all been helpful and not annoying any of your siblings. It’s all very tricky, but keep working on that kindness and respect.

So let’s get todays learning underway:

These are only suggestions and you can do what ever suits the needs of your family so you may need to be flexible.

Here is a warm up for you:

You could play the traditional Chinese game Nim – you will need another person to do this with today so you may need to do this when someone is able to help you. Another option is that you could phone a friend and play this with them over the phone or even Skype (other leading brands could be used – FaceTime etc).

Another diary writing task today – think back to the work we did on the Clockwork. I want you to write what an extract from the point of view Prince once he was saved from the clock tower. What was life like for him once he was saved and now loved by someone. Get across his thoughts and feelings. Think about your fronted adverbials in this work!

Write a factsheet about life as a rich Victorian in England. You may need to do a bit of research before you start is a good site – there are lots of others. Don’t spend any longer than twenty minutes researching – remember to be internet safe if you are using the internet.

Have a good day.

P.S You could play a board game with a other people in your family – enjoy this time with them!

Thursday 26th March

Good morning, the weather has been amazing- I hope you have been outside in the garden and making the most of the beautiful weather.

Thanks for the posts that you have been writing – it’s a nice way to keep in touch!

You can pick any work from the sheet and do whatever you can – I am only making suggestions of what you can do on each day – you need to do what works for you as a family, I just wanted to allow the children do the same work on the same day, but it needs work for you.

Possible maths for today:

Warm up task you could do: half a pound task – you don’t need to spend ages on it – it could be something that you come back to. You use all the letters of the alphabet!

Main task could be the ice cream challenge on the sheet- you need to be logical as you do this as you could be confused at all the combinations. Let me know how you get on.


Time traveller work – imagine you are writing a letter to someone in Victorian times about the technology we have. It might be worth just focusing on a couple of things. Remember they have no idea about any of this technology…..😏

Another task for the afternoon:

Come up with a poster about the benefits of saving money. You might want to talk to your parents or whoever is looking after you about this. Need to make sure it is nice and clear for someone to see why it is important.

You could go on to Sumdog if you haven’t done this yet. You made need to be flexible about the timing of when you do this as your parents may need to use the technology for work!

Have a good day!

P.S. Don’t forget to have a look at the stars before you go to bed – they were amazing last night. See if you could learn any of the constellations……!!

Mr C

Wednesday 24th March

Good morning – hope you are all well and completing the work the best that you can. I know it’s really tricky for everyone but we need to adapt and change and from this we will learn lots about perseverance and understanding!

So let’s get started on the work for today:

Here is a maths starter for you to do. If you have finished quickly why not make your own one and complete it with an adult but only if they have time.

I thought it would be nice to have a practical task today. Let’s complete the tangram which is on the bottom of the second page. You could cut the shapes out from the sheet or draw your own from the sheet. This is all about exploring – remember to draw the pictures out that you created


Write a diary entry today about how you are coping without the use of technology. Remember to include your thoughts and feelings; it could be about not having the TV or a device. Needs to be a couple of paragraphs – think about your sentence starts.

This afternoon you could create a poster about the benefits of saving money – it’s needs to be nice and clear. It might be worth talking this over with the adults at home as to why you should save money!

On the school website there is also an activity for you to do outside in the garden so you could do one of these. There is also jump start Jonny – the link was on yesterday’s blog.

Don’t forget to read today as you may not have done this yet.

Have a good day!

Mr C

Tuesday 24th March

Good morning, it was a beautiful day yesterday, and I hope you managed to get out in the garden to run around – it’s important to keep up the exercise!

I also hope you have set yourself a routine – this is really important so that everyone knows what is going to be happening.

So let’s get on with what you are going to do today.

Addle – you know how this works. Can you find two ways of solving this?

With all this problem solving taking place – let’s complete the work on nine digits using addition. It’s the one with the number four on it.

Good luck – if you complete this quickly- can you find anymore ways to solve this?


Write a set of instructions about how to survive with out technology – you are going to have to use a bit of imagination. You might want to focus one piece of technology and write about it . So it could be about how you communicate with out a device.

When writing instructions think about using chronological order and imperative verbs. You could also think about the layout of your work as wellthis is really important for any instructions.

The next thing you can do for today is an art task:

To create a picture in the style of William Morris – look at the style I have posted. I would say this will take you quite a while, so do a rough draft for today.

PE task – jumpstart Jonny – you could get an adult to it with you as they need to exercise as well.

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Have a great a great day and if you want to post a comment, I am more than happy to reply!!

Monday 23rd March

Hope you all had a good weekend and more importantly you have been behaving yourself! We are all going to have to adapt and that includes me……I might make mistakes on this journey, and for this, I apologise.

So let’s get started with what might be a good plan for today (you do not have to do the work in the order I am suggesting on the blog; you will need to be flexible as to what is going on at home).

Here is a maths starter to get you going

Main maths task for today will be the broken calculator at the bottom of the second page. Have fun with this – you can send me responses via the blog and I can comment on your answers but your parents may need the computer so that is not vital!

Literacy: Imagine all the technology in the world has broken. How would you cope? Make a list of all the technology you use and how it is used? What could you do without?

Another task to do today:

Think about all the work we have completed in science about properties of materials – this is the work about the camp festival and the materials that we tested.

Create a fact sheet about the work we completed.

Have a great day and I don’t want to hear of any of you being sent out of the room for being naughty. Same rules apply at home as they do at school. 😀



We have been exploring equivalent fractions using a fraction wall and making connections to our times tables. It’s great that we are now using a new website called They have some great resources for using the concrete equipment but using an iPad!


The children have been investigating what East Harling used to look like by just using maps. We have all found it interesting to see how the village has changed so much. It is amazing how much has been built over the years. It has then enabled us to use the old maps and add the new roads on the map by just using what can be se

Long multiplication

The children have now mastered long multiplication but I thought I would post the steps the children have taken to get to this point.

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