Good morning  – hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the sunny weather we had yesterday.  Today is the last day of set work and I will post some other ideas you could do tomorrow  – it is a bank holiday and we all need a break from the hard work you are doing.

So let’s get today’s leaning under way:



Today we are going to continue with subtraction but we are going to count on from a given amount. You would need to use a number line and count on. Think about the order of the calculation.


Draw a picture of the dragon and label what you think this creature might be like. Use the clip to justify your thinking around the outside of the picture – use the film to justify your reasons.

Other tasks:

Reading challenge: Think about someone in your book who is not the main character. Rewrite a scene from your book from this character’s point of view. Do they feel differently about the situation? Do they know something that the main character does not know? Would the main character be surprised about how they feel?

PSHE: Watch this short film and write comments based on the questions that have been suggested. It doesn’t have to be 200 words but it could be! Click here to open link

Music: identify your top ten favourite pieces of music and identify what you like in them. Compare your choice with an adult – are they the same?