Good morning – hope you had another good day yesterday and that you worked hard on whatever you were doing. Remember to try and work as hard as you do in class – I do understand that it’s tricky for everyone. I have tried to set work that will allow you to show some of your amazing skills.

So let’s get today’s learning underway:

It’s only a warm task so you don’t have to spend too long on this!

We are going to focus on subtraction today and some of the calculations will involve adjusting the calculation. We have looked at this in class. A link to show you what to do if you have forgotten – Link to decomposition method.

You could use a calculator to check your answers!


Using the short film – Eye of the storm (Link for film). Today you going to describe the setting. Here is an idea….. The air down here was awful: it had that musty smell which hit the back of your throat and made you cough, and beyond that a strange chemical taste, which almost burned if you breathed too deeply. It was vile.
The ship was a sizeable craft. A large balloon on top helped to keep it aloft, while enormous propellers and wings drove it forwards.
Ensure you build up your noun phrases and think about what you see – you want to capture the readers attention. It would be a couple of high quality paragraphs!!

Other things for today could be:

Complete one of the outdoor learning tasks which are on the school website.

Science – The Chemistry of Cooking: mixing, heating and burning Let’s hope it doesn’t get too hot in the kitchen as you investigate and explore the gourmet side to chemistry. Bake some bread or cakes, and explore the weird and wonderful world of eggs! Cook eggs in different ways noting the changes that occur
Plan and carry out investigations into the impact of certain ingredients on an end product. You can use a recipe of your choice. You are looking at the changes that take place to the ingredients that have been used. Predict and then make observations about what happens!

Hope you have a good day!

Mr C 👨‍🏫