Good morning  – I hope you all had a good weekend and were able to enjoy some downtime.  It is always tricky when starting a new week  – so try and get yourself  back into the routine again quickly.   Learning grid is attached Home learning week 3 –

As always, you can pick and choose the tasks that I have suggested and allow you to work around how things are working at home.  I will make daily suggestions about how to tackle the work.  Again, there are other companies that are producing resources – click on the link and it will direct it to the respective companies:  Hamilton Trust and Classroom secrets.

I have also realised that I have planned for a 5 day week but we have a bank holiday on Friday – so I will carry over some of the activities over to next week.

So let’s get today’s learning underway:

Happy Numbers:

23 is happy because:

Using 23 as an example:  22 = 4     32 = 9   then add the answers  4 + 9 = 13   So 23 is now replaced by 13. The process is now repeated: 12 = 1    32 = 9   1 + 9 = 10.    So 13 is replaced by 10. The process is now repeated: 12 = 1   02 = 0     1 + 0 = 1    The process ends at this point since 12 = 1. From this we conclude that 23 (and 13 and 10) are happy numbers.  How many happy number can you find upto 50?

Note 2² means 2×2=4  3² means 3×3=9  4²means 4×4=16


Over the next couple of weeks we are going to base the work on the short film called:       EYE OF THE STORM   

The video of  “Eye of the Storm”  (click on link) tells the story of an anonymous airship pilot, whom we see in a very dark, simplified form  deciding in his melancholy to steer his airship into a massive (and possible ether-driven) storm. Throughout the video we see him preparing his craft, setting it on “autopilot”, and saying goodbye to his one companion- a dragon.

Using the film, try and answer these question prompts –  Who? What? Where? When? Why?   Who is the man the ‘dragon master?’  Why does the dragon have to be kept locked up? Where is the ship going?  What will happen as the ship goes into the storm at the end?  You will need to come up with your own questions.  Don’t forget to write the answers as well. 

If you don’t want to use the video and work I have suggested – use some Pobble writes on the main plan if you feel this would be easier.  Pick one for each day – you know how these work.

Other tasks for today:


Now you have looked at different games, you can now see the pros and cons.   We are now going to plan your maths game.  Think about how you can make the games as interactive as possible but not too complicated.  These are only going to be rough ideas this week.

Reading:  Pick a character from one of the books you are reading and write a diary extract from the characters point of view.  Esure you include their thoughts and feelings.

Have a good day!

Mr C 🤠