Good morning – it was good to have the sun out again yesterday! I hope you are all ok and managing to get somethings completed. Remember to add any work on to Edmodo.

So let’s get todays work underway:

A little something to get you thinking…..

Today I am suggesting an open ended task but you need to be logical in how you go about this. Make sure you develop a plan because you will have lots of numbers

English: You need to finish your story today – ensure that you have reread it and use some of the features we have looked at in class. So you should have a range of openers that captures the readers attention. Also think about the vocabulary – it needs to pull the reader in.

Reading task:

Using the art task I suggested you could now add some pictures that could be used in the story. Ensure they capture your imagination.

Identifying Story Structures:
This needs to be based on a couple of books
Make brief notes in each section to identify the different stages in the plot of different stories.

Setting: Problem: Conflict: Complication: Crisis: Resolution:

You could do some PE today – Joe Wicks or Jump Start Johnny. Another option could be going for a long walk, cycle or use your imagination!

Hope you have a lovely weekend and try to help out as much as you can!

Mr C. 💂‍♂️