Good morning folks – hope you are all keeping well and trying your hardest to get along with everyone in your household. Thank you to those that are contributing on Edmodo – it’s great to see what you’re getting up to.

So let’s get going on todays suggested work:

We are going to continue to work on decimals with this investigation

You are going to have to explore to try and get the answer. You could change the start amount and see if you get as near as possible with only so many bricks. You draw it out on the squared paper – but take care with how you draw it out.

English: You should now be up to the middle part of your story. Think about how it reads and ask yourself if have you built up suspense to capture the readers attention. You want them to be on the end of their seats.

Other tasks: Art – you need to think of some pictures to go with the story. They could be completed on a separate sheet and then stuck down into the book you have created.

Outdoor learning – complete one of the many tasks from the outdoor learning section on the main home of the school website. If you want another task for today – complete another section of your spelling books.