Good morning folks – hope you are all ok and managing to get some work completed. The suggestions I make on the blog are only suggestions and you can do other things if you feel it is more appropriate. There are a couple of companies that you could look at if you want more ideas/work. They are Hamilton Trust and Classroom secrets. You don’t have to print of the worksheets but they are extra tasks that you could use. I am using some of the tasks in the work that I am setting so you might see them pop up.

So let’s todays learning underway:


Good luck in doing this – remember to explore.

We are going to continue to work with decimals. Today we are going to add decimals. We are going to complete the task – Long jump results. I have pasted it below or use the grid from the website.

Taken from the home learning grid.

English: Creating a suspense/ghost story…..

I suggest that you write a suspense/ghost story – you should of planned your ideas yesterday and should now be ready to start your story. You don’t want to have lots of characters and ensure you Hook the reader in. Ensure you think about your sentence starts. Here are some ideas that could be used (see below). Remember we would like to turn this into a story book with pictures in it. So you are going to become your very own authors!

Other work:

Find out about Lord Shaftesbury and Dr Barnado. Create a fact file about each person. Identify what they did and explain the impact they had. Here are a few web links to help. Famous Victorians. Barnardos , Video clip. There are many more out there – make sure you talk to an adult before surfing the net trying to find things out.

Another task: Experimenting with musical sounds – I know it says KS1 but it is quite fun and gets you to think about how music is made. the-noise/eyfs-ks1-music-play-it-bring- the-noise/z4sq92p

Have a good day

Mr C. 👾